Lost & Found
The PSO Sustainability Team helps support the elementary school management of the lost and found. Our goal is to get possessions back into the hands of students, ultimately reducing textile waste.
You may view items online. Please send questions to [email protected].
You may view items online. Please send questions to [email protected].
1. Items left behind at lunch or recess are being collected daily by grade level and taken to a collection point within each pod. Students should look for items at this location as soon as they realize an item got left behind.
2. At the end of each week these items are consolidated into the larger lost and found collection area. Upon consolidation, volunteers will sort items looking for name tags and deliver to classrooms accordingly. Help us reunite items with your child by ensuring all outerwear, sweatshirts, lunch boxes, and water bottles are clearly labeled with your child’s first and last name. 3. Parents can access the consolidated collection point via the Blossom Hill Field House during the following hours: